Adventure Awaits. Let's Explore!

Unforgettable travel packages, crafted for you.

About Us

Sevxplore is part of SEVO’s journey to support and uplift communities in Sri Lanka. Starting in 2001 as an NGO for microfinance and social services, SEVO played a key role in helping rebuild the Eastern Province after the 2004 tsunami. In 2021, we expanded into SEVO Smart Tech, focusing on solar energy and manufacturing.

Now, with Sevxplore, we’re bringing that same dedication to tourism and transport. Our mission is to offer safe, enjoyable, and authentic travel experiences across Sri Lanka, helping you explore the beauty and culture of our country in a sustainable way.

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Why Choose Us?

With years of trusted experience, Sevxplore is dedicated to making your Sri Lankan adventure unique and memorable. We offer personalized trips that let you explore the beauty and culture of Sri Lanka in a way that’s meaningful to you. Safety and reliability are our top priorities, ensuring you have a smooth, worry-free journey. As part of SEVO’s eco-friendly mission, we’re committed to sustainable travel that supports local communities and protects the environment. Choose Sevxplore for quality service and an authentic Sri Lankan experience you’ll never forget!